Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rights of the Youths over 18 years of Age

Once you are 18, you are legally an adult and are covered by the same laws as adults. This means you no longer need your parents' permission to do things.

Before you turn 18, the law will sometimes say how old you have to be to do certain things. In other cases it's not so clear. If there's no law setting an age limit, it's up to you to work out with your parents what you can and can't do.

Once you turn 18 you are generally able to carry out all legal activities, such as voting, entering into a valid contract, marriage, buying alcohol and obtaining a driver's licence. Some activities can be legally carried out before you turn 18, for example, getting a job, but there are strict legal requirements in place in order to protect the interests of young people and the community's interests as a whole. For example:

  • If you are under 17 years of age and wish to leave home or have left home, the Children's Court and Department of Human Services can intervene
  • If you want to obtain medical advice or treatment from a doctor and are under 18 years of age, the doctor may inform your parents and require the consent of your parents
  • If you are above 16 years and mature enough to understand the nature of the treatment and its likely consequences, then the doctor probably won't consult your parents
This is According to this site